A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Spock is definitely one of my best friends. When I put on those ears, it's not like just another day. When I become Spock, that day becomes something special. - Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)

Eat Long and Prosper

A game built during the Pre- Critical Hit 2015 game jam February 28th 2015-March 1st 2015. A game built by Jessica Blanchet, Milin Li, Marysa Antonakakis and Gersande La Flèche. Built in less than 48 hours using a custom hand and Vulcan ear controller and a Makey Makey. The game is coded in Processing, and all the graphics were made in Photoshop.

Meet Team Spock

  • Jessica Blanchet • Makey Makey Hacker and Crochet Sculptor
  • Milin Li • Processing Programmer
  • Marysa Antonakakis • Photoshop
  • Gersande La Flèche • Processing Programmer

Gersande wrote a "making of" blog post here.


Thank you TAG for the space, Gina+Jason+Ida for coordinating the space, and Critical Hit for the theme! And big thanks to the game jammers who allowed us to use you as models and test subjects! :D

Also, to the loyal fans of Star Trek who have uploaded all the sound effects from the series, you are amazing. <3


Eat Long and Prosper.zip 209 MB

Install instructions

Hey everybody!

Thank you for downloading this brand new release of Eat Long and Prosper v2.0!

I fixed a couple of small issues and changed the names to some key files to make it easier for players to find the game.

Processing no longer allows exporting to a JAR file that we can plug and play into a browser - sorry for all this confusion with folders and right clicking. We are working on it!


Navigate to application.macosx and double click on the "Eat Long and Prosper" - it may prompt Apple to warn that we are unregistered, unknown developers. But if you trust us, simply right click on the icon and press "Open" - that should do the trick!


Navigate to application.windows64 or application.windows32 if you have a 64- or 32-bit machine (it usually says on the install CD of your OS) and double click on the .EXE file to launch the game.


Navigate to application.linux64 or application.linux32 to find the right game file. The game file should be called "Eat Long and Prosper" and have no suffix.


If you have any questions, please message the developers on Twitter:

  • @one_crafty_lady
  • @gersandelf

Thank you, and may you live long and prosper!